We are particularly interested in recruiting new members to the PSG and relish the opportunity to study any new sites that you can tell us about. We currently have 300 members in six countries and many of them have contributed their time and resources to the Defence of Britain Project and the PSG.
Join Online – Online membership is slightly more expensive to cover PayPal charges
Join the Pillbox Study Group – UK Membership – £11
Membership renews automatically until cancelled.
Join the Pillbox Study Group – Overseas Membership – £16
Membership renews automatically until cancelled.
Members receive the journal ‘Loopholes‘ three times a year which details recent finds and sites of particular interest to the military archaeologist.
Please send Sterling cheque or Money Order for £10 (uk membership) or £15 (overseas membership) made out to – Pillbox Study Group – along with your address (and e-mail address if you have one) to:
Tom Bell
Pillbox Study Group Membership12 Castle Close
Kings Lynn
PE30 3EP
United Kingdom
If you have any questions about the PSG, membership, Pillboxes or Defence Structure related topics please do not hesitate in contacting our Co-ordinator Roger J. C. Thomas.